Good recipe


Ingredients for 4 people:
500 g of flour
30 g of lard
1 teaspoon baking soda
warm water 


Mix the flour with the lard, salt, baking soda and a bit 'of water. Once the dough is done,
Roll out about 1 \ 2 inch thick and 15 cm in diameter.
Bake on a hot plate, pitted on the surface with a fork.

Put inside cheese,ham,vegetables...rucola salad,
mozzarella,tomato...all that you LOVE in one!

  The Perfect Mix for a Homemade Pizza!
To make the dough, carry two containers sufficientlycapacious in which you will have one in each half of the flour. Dividewater in two containers in which a loose salt and in the otheryeast, pour the salt solution in a container of flour andsolution of yeast in the container. Mix separately up toWhen two compounds have not become consistent, then add the twodoughs and finished the 'dough when the dough will beSmooth, velvety and appropriately moist.
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If you proceed you will have a kneading machine, always startingthe flour, then enter the water where you have dissolved the yeast,making sure to leave 2 dl to dissolve the saltadd when the mixture reaches a certain size. Avoidclosely always put the salt and baking powder because the firstprevents the second to perform its function.The dough will be ready when the bowl of the machine remainsperfectly clean.
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At this point you can start cutting the dough to formpats of the desired weight depending on the thickness of the pizza you wanthave after cooking.Before proving you can put the dough in the fridge2-6ƒC to proceed to the maturation of the dough which, according to theset temperature, respectively, turns out to be 24 to 6-8 hours4. The risingIs to let the dough rest (in the center of the pan wherewill be cooked later) for about 3 hours at room temperatureconstant (23ƒC), this operation allows the yeast to produce gasthat make the dough swell.
wpe4F.jpg (14906 byte)The leavened dough must be stretched in the pan with thefinger pressure to obtain a homogeneous layer to arrive atsides of the container, the same course before laying the dough willbe oiled slightly.At this point the pasta should be coated with the tomato, if the pizza willbe red, white, or if the oil and left to rest for at least 1 hourprior to cooking.
wpe50.jpg (13970 byte)If the dough has been in the fridge to mature, for a correctrising, after having removed from the refrigerator handle the dough as if it werenewly mixed, rising then to make the respectingsame time.

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CookingAnd 'the last step but it is the most important as it allows, ifproperly performed, all to enhance the quality of the product.In a home oven cooking temperature is an average of 250ƒCfor a period ranging between 12-15 minutes. So it is not approvedset to maximum, and did get to room temperature before proceeding tobake pizza.For these reasons, the cooking must be done in two different times:* Bake for about 8-10 minutes just above the pasta with tomato sauce, ifred, or just spread with oil.* Remove the pan from the oven, make the filling according to the recipeto be obtained, then put the pan in the oven to finishcooking pasta and ingredients with the remaining time.If you want to taste the scent and fragrance in all its intensity,pizza must be eaten fresh from the oven.


Rice to the jump (simple but incredible...try!)

Ingredients for 4 people:

• 300 g Carnaroli rice
• 1 liter of vegetable broth
• 4 sachets of saffron
1 / 4 cup dry white wine
• A tablespoon of olive oil
1 / 4 chopped onion
• 100 grams of Parmesan

Making fry the onion with 10 gr. of butter in a saucepan.
Add rice, saffron and white wine, stirring rapidly.
Toast for a minute and add the hot stock a little at a time, as soon as the rice dries out. After 9 minutes exactly cooking off the heat and stir in the remaining butter and cheese, spread the rice on a cold surface (marble - baking) to stop the cooking and, when it becomes warm, ginned by hand.
Divide rice into 4 portions (5 tablespoons or so) and cook it in a pan of 15 cm diameter hardened., Where the butter is melted over low heat. It 'important that the risotto, with the help of a spatula, crushed it right to match the thickness and that it is well to the edges together so that the starch in the rice expand by attacking a good grain to another.
Cook for 3 minutes and with the help of a plate making him turn it cook for another 3 minutes. To prevent the rice remains attached to the pan, it is important that this is tempered, that is moistened with a drop of oil, and after putting a handful of coarse salt, with a clean dry cloth.
This process only applies if you use the iron pan. If you use that stick, you just grease it.

Bolognese sauce (we start with a classic...!)

Ingredients for 4 people:

gr. 200 of lean ground beef,
gr. 50 of bacon, chopped
gr. 60 of butter,
gr. 30 of celery, chopped
gr. 30 carrot, chopped
gr. 30 of chopped onion,
a tablespoon of tomato paste, salt and pepper.

In a pot, preferably earthenware, brown over high heat gr. 40
of the butter with bacon. Then add the celery, carrot and onion and cook until dry the vegetables.
Then add the meat and brown it up to dry it and make it a nice brown color. Then pour in the tomato paste dissolved in a ladle of hot water. Adjust salt and pepper. Cover the saucepan and bring slowly cooked over low heat for at least 2 hours. If necessary, add a little from time to time 'of hot water.
When the sauce is cooked add the remaining butter and mix.

- 1 liter
of water- 2 kg of flour- 20 g of fresh yeast (7 of the dry)- 50 g of sea saltOf course, quantities may be increased or decreased according to theneeds, as well as the yeast is reduced if the ambient temperatureis higher than the 23-25ƒC (eg in summer).A mixture according to the recipe would produce 3.070 kg of doughready enough to prepare an oven suitable for 4 trays at home.3. The 'doughwpe4C.jpg (13880 byte)